bVSP Bioreactor Module

Bioreactor variable speed pump for fed-batch, continuous process or perfusion

The Variable Speed Pump (bVSP) is the module you need when expanding the number of freely assignable pumps to cover multiple additions or withdrawal/harvesting actions according to a number of feeding/bleeding profiles or advanced controls.

The bVSP gathers hardware and software capabilities for the addition of substrates to the bioreactor in a precise, versatile and analysable way

Features and Accesories

Adaptable to a variety of bioprocess particularities

The VSP is available in a wide range of head and speed formats, which renders it adaptable to a variety of bioprocess contexts and needs (e.g. large biomass size, high viscosities, etc).

Its Plug&Play design allows for an immediate usage upon purchase

The bVSP includes everything for its direct connection to a compatible bioreactor and the subsequent recognition and automatic upgrade of Bionet’s software capabilities.


The bVSP software module enhances further data and process control possibilities

what it offers

The bVSP software offers different pump control strategies:

  • Direct configuration of constant, lineal and exponential feeding profiles (non feedback automation)
  • Establishment of a control loop that relate flow rates with turbidity-, weight-, or other PATs- measurements when these are present (feedback automation).
  • Establishment of a control loop that relates the bVSP functioning with the DO value, within the DO cascade-mode control (feedback automation).
  • Activation of flow rate upon the occurrence of an event (time or measurement) configured as a recipe transition.

More and more

The bVSP software module also activates data registration and visualization features.

  • Online visualization of flow measurements by the pump in the summary tables as well as trend and comparative graphs
  • Data registration (in csv format).

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