The core of the technological infrastructure required for biopharmaceutical manufacturing is the bioreactor, used in all stages from R&D to biomanufacturing. The F0-BABY bioreactor line by BIONET is comprised of robust and user-friendly laboratory bioreactor models that can be configured for different cell expression systems like microbial cultures or cell cultures.
In the present work, the common characterization phase required in monoclonal antibody production is presented by using a CHO-S strain and BIONET’s F0-BABY 2CC bioreactor. This bioreactor has a working volume of 2L and it is equipped with the required process analytical technologies, a variable speed pump for fed batch, and an Advanced Gas Module for the control of up to 5 gas supplies. It also includes BIONET’s proprietary bioprocess software ROSITA®, for the visualization, control and data registration of all bioprocess parameters. The growth and viability of the mammalian cell culture in shake-flasks and in the bioreactor in both batch and fed batch modes were compared, as well as the production of the mAb Trastuzumab as a target product of the strain was checked. The Bionet’s F0-BABY 2CC bioreactor turned out to be a reliable and easy device to use for the growth of CHO-S cells, providing an environment that assures the lack of contamination and the most optimal cell culture conditions